Sean, Bella and our friend Alicia at a vine yard.
Our first family photo! Notice Bella's ears blowing in the wind? She is so photogenic.
Another family photo in front of a lake that I forget the name of...
We tried to get a good picture of Bella on a rock with the lake in the background. This is the only one with her looking at the camera we were able to get.
We kept trying to call her name to get her to look at the camera while she was on a three foot tall rock. Like any good dog, she heard her name and tried to come instead of just look at us. We didn't figure this one out until after the fact. This is her just before she jumped head first off the rock onto the concrete. She cried for about two minutes strait after her fall. We were so worried she was going to have a broken leg or brain damage or something horrible like that. It was about at this time that we decided that we are glad we are doing the puppy thing first so we don't make the same mistakes with a baby someday.
Bella is hiding her head because she is still hurt and scared from her leap off the rock.
Sleeping it off.